New titles to help celebrate Black History Month!
I've Seen the Promised Land: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
December 2012.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Overview from Barnes & Noble:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is one of the most celebrated figures of the twentieth century. A crusader for nonviolent social justice, he led African Americans in their demands for equality through peaceful protests during one of the most tumultuous times in recent history.
Set against key moments in the
civil rights movement, here is the story of the powerful, eloquent
spiritual leader and his belief that nonviolence could be used to
overcome racial discrimination.
Walter Dean Myers's moving
narrative and Leonard Jenkins's compelling paintings portray a vivid and
striking image of the man who moved American society closer to the
ideals of freedom and fairness. Dr. King's dream that all Americans
would be judged by their individual actions and character is one we
still cherish today.
Pictures and easy-to-read text introduce the life of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
My Thoughts:
The story is well written and accurately portrayed. However, I'd say it's a bit lengthy for most children under age 7. At the age level I teach, preschool, this book would be most appropriate placed a bookshelf for children to explore on their own and ask questions about but would not work as a read aloud.
Nelson Mandela.
January 2013.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Overview from Barnes & Noble:
One day when
Nelson Mandela was nine years old, his father died and he was sent from
his village to a school far away from home, to another part of South
Africa. In Johannesburg, the country's capital, Mandela saw fellow
Africans who were poor and powerless. He decided then that he would work
to protect them. When the government began to keep people apart based
on the color of their skin, Mandela spoke out against the law and vowed
to fight hard in order to make his country a place that belonged to all
South Africans.
Kadir Nelson tells the story of
Mandela, a global icon, in poignant verse and glorious illustrations. It
is the story of a young boy's determination to change South Africa and
of the struggles of a man who eventually became the president of his
country by believing in equality for people of all colors. Readers will
be inspired by Mandela's triumph and his lifelong quest to create a more
just world.
My Thoughts:
Again, a wonderfully written story with somewhat simple text. I'd say it's most appropriate for children aged 7+. Children should have a basic understanding of the injustices faced by African Americans during that time period in order to really understand and take away the most from the story.
In the Land of Milk and Honey.
September 2012.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Overview from Barnes & Noble:
I ease myself back in the window seat and breathe in as the train breathes out We're on our way!
On our way to the Land of Milk and Honey
Lemons as big as oranges, the
cool Pacific Ocean, mountains that rise up beyond the outstretched
bay—California beckons as one girl makes her way west on a journey
filled with excitement, hope, and the promise of a place where people
from all paths come together and music fills the air.
This is the true story of author
Joyce Carol Thomas's trip from Oklahoma to California in 1948, when she
moved there as a girl. During that time, many people went west, drawn by
warmth and possibility, reflected in the people of all cultures and
ethnicities who started a new life there.
Coretta Scott King honoree Joyce
Carol Thomas and Coretta Scott King Award winner Floyd Cooper capture
the anticipation of a bright adventure and a world filled with freedom
and opportunity.
My Thoughts:
Of all of these titles that focus on Black History Month, this was my favorite - the illustrations were amazing, very eye catching and interesting to look at. The text is simple enough that most of the younger children (4-6 year olds) will be able to sit through the story and have a basic understanding of what the book is about. Definitely my pick of the litter!
Smith Jr., Charles.
Brick by Brick.
December 2012.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Overview by Barnes & Noble:
The president of a new country needs a new home, so many hands work together as one.
Black hands, white hands, free hands, slave hands.
In this powerful story of the
building of the White House, Coretta Scott King Award winners Charles R.
Smith Jr. and Floyd Cooper capture the emotion and toil that created
this incredible structure, the home of our president. The White House
was created by many hands, several of them slaves', who will be
remembered throughout history for their extraordinary feat. Many slaves
were able to purchase their freedom after earning money from learning a
trade through this work, which speaks to their unbelievable strength.
The title reflects how this towering symbol of America was created by
hand, human hands, working toward their freedom, brick by brick.
My Thoughts:
This is another great story, simply written, that will allow young children to start to form an understanding of what slavery was and how it "worked." I could see using this book as a starter to such a discussion!
For some reason, I received two review copies of Charles Smith Jr.'s Brick by Brick. See below for details on how to enter the giveaway!
For some reason, I received two review copies of Charles Smith Jr.'s Brick by Brick. See below for details on how to enter the giveaway!
To Enter the Giveaway
- Comment on this post, sharing how you teach Black History Month!
- Be sure to leave an email address so I have a way to contact you if you are the winner!

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