Celebrating the spirit of sisterhood, August 3, National Sisters' Day provides an opportunity for sisters nationwide to show appreciation and give recognition to one another for the special relationship they share. Send a car, make a phone call, share memories, photos, flowers or candy. Sisters may include biological sisters, sisterly friends, etc. This is celebrated annually the first Sunday in August.
Just Like Me.
Children's Press.
Guided Reading Level: E
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
Jennifer tells of the many ways that she and her twin sister, Julie, are alike and different.
This book would be perfect to use for getting kids started using Venn Diagrams for comparing and contrasting. The text is simple and to the point, allowing them to quickly pick up on the similarities and differences between twin sisters. It's also a cute book to share with younger girls on Sisters' Day!
The Seven Chinese Sisters.
Albert Whitman & Co.
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
Once there were seven Chinese sisters who lived together and took care of each other. Each one had a special talent. When baby Seventh Sister is snatched by a hungry dragon, her loving sisters race to save her.
What is real sisterhood all about? This book definitely touches on the answer to that question... doing everything you can to help each other out in any way possible! Definitely a cute story... and from what I gather, let the boys in the family in on the funny story as well with The Seven Chinese Brothers.
Little Sister, Big Sister.
Henry Holt and Company.
Guided Reading Level: J
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
In four humorous, easy-to-read stories, Edna and Hester capture the essence of sisterhood as they boss each other around, stick up for each other at the swimming pool, share candy, and make Thunder Cookies. Full of ingenuity and pluck, Hester and Edna are two winning characters young readers are sure to find endearing.
This book is really quite funny... it shows the triviality between sisters, young and old, but also shows that despite the teasing and tricking that goes on, sisters ultimately know to stand up for each other and respect each other as individuals! Definitely worth sharing if you have youngsters who tend to argue with each other.
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