Frank Asch has been one of my favorite children's authors since I was a kid! Because his birthday is today, I just had to share with you some of his wonderful books! I hope you and your children enjoy them as much as I did and still do! Because there are so many different books by Frank Asch and because they're all wonderful and worthy of being shared (I don't think it's necessary to rave about them all individually... they're all amazing), I've decided not to write reviews of each individual one, but rather to provide you with a summary and some kind of learning activity that could be used with each.
Moonbear's Shadow.
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Guided Reading Level: J
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
When Little Bear's shadow gets in the way of his catching a fish, he decides to get rid of it. No matter what he does though, it won't go away!
Scholastic has provided some wonderful writing prompts to go along with this story!
Bear's (Moonbear's) Shadow - Writing Prompt
Bear's (Moonbear's) Shadow - Writing Prompt
Moonbear's Bargain.
2001 (1991).
Guided Reading Level: J
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
Bear wants to fly. Little Bird wants to be big. How will their wishes come true? Find out in this interesting book, 'Bear's Bargain', by Frank Asch.
Pose a challenge activity to kids. What is something you wish you could do/be but realistically never could really do/be. Give them several days to brainstorm... possibly even provide them with a graphic organizer to jot down their thoughts. Then, give them one week to come up with a final plan and to make it so that they can accomplish that one thing that realistically can't be done, just as Bear helped Little Bird to grow by carving his picture on a small pumpkin that grows over time and just as Little Bird helps Bear to fly by painting his picture on a kite.
Scholastic, Inc.
Guided Reading Level: J
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
Bear has a wish. He wants to dance with moon. But the moon is so special. Will she want to dance with Bear? This is a child's book.
Using a flood light at night, or yellow construction paper during the day, create the reflection of the moon, as it is seen in Moondance. Allow the kids to make up their own moondance some day/night. Encourage them to be creative... this activity also encourages physical activity, which many of today's children don't get enough of!
Moonbear's Pet.
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.
Guided Reading Level: K
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
In their eighth endearing adventure, Bear and Little Bird squabble over a tiny creature they find at a pond and take back home. At first, they both believe Splash is a fish. Then she starts to change. "Moonbear returns in another entertaining story with a gentle lesson."
Children watch as Splash changes over time... Head out to the local aquarium store and pick up a few tadpoles. After reading the story together, allow children the opportunity to watch their tadpole grow into a frog! This book makes the perfect opener to a theme on the life cycle of a frog!
Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference.
Guided Reading Level: J
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
Bear builds a rocket to take him to the moon so he can taste it.
A cooking activity for you and the kids! White Moon Cake
Sand Cake.
Crown Books for Young Readers.
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
Papa Bear uses his culinary skills and a little imagination to concoct a sand cake.
I would suggest reading this book at some point through the afternoon. Then, involve the kids in making dessert for dinner, Sand Cake of course. The recipe for sand cake can be found here.
If you're interested in finding out more information about any of the books reviewed or if you'd like to purchase the books, click the cover image for a link to
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