Depending on the character education program (if you're working with one), self esteem is often times included as one of the virtues or traits. However, this isn't always the case, but I feel that building character in children has to start with self esteem. If children don't feel comfortable with themselves, how can we expect them to be caring, respectful citizens? Therefore, from an early age, I think it's important to show children just how important and special they really are, so they learn to feel good about themselves! Here's a cute, snowy title that certainly will help instill such thoughts in each child's mind.
The Tiny Snowflake.
Tommy Nelson.
Review copy borrowed from local library.
Lacy is the tiniest of snowflakes, who feels she's unimportant - she just wants to be like all the other snowflakes! Despite all of her wishing, she remains the snowflake that remains motionless as the wind swirls around her. As the other snowflakes continuously dance around her, she repeatedly asks the question,How are you special?The other snowflakes try to reassure her that she's special too, made unique by God... she just hasn't yet had the opportunity to discover this for herself, as everyone has to make this discover in their own time (with proper amounts of prodding and reminding)!
Using a snowflake as a way to depict each person's uniqueness was quite clever! As I'm sure many of you know, there are no two snowflakes that are identical - they are all unique in some way, shape or form, just like humans! This is a very important and special message to share with children as they are setting forth in the world looking to find themselves!
Reading/Learning Activity
- Download and print one different snowflake coloring sheet for each member of your family/classroom. Point out that all of the snowflakes are different and unique, just like each family/class member. Each person should color the snowflakes to his/her liking (depicting one aspect of his/her uniqueness). Find a photograph of each family/class member. Cut a center out of the snowflake and place photograph behind, allowing the face to show through. This will help children connect the individuality of each snowflake with the individuality of each family/class member.
- Cut out each snowflake/photo and mount on a piece of construction paper. Encourage each family/class member to write a sentence sharing with others one way in which he/she is special. Lacy the Snowflake discovered she was special because she's the sparkly snowflake that makes the snow glisten.
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