Halloween isn't always about the candy - much of it is about the act of warding off roaming ghosts, so why not experiment with moonlight shadows this Halloween and see if you can't scare some of those ghosts away!
Halloween Mice!
September 2011.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
The infamous holiday Mice return in Bethany Roberts' board book edition of Halloween Mice! The mice are out having a party in the pumpkin patch, enjoying their friskiness when they suddenly stumble upon the Halloween Cat. Needing to outwit the cat, the mice quickly come up with a plan to save their Halloween that involves scaring the cat away by making scary moonlight shadows. When they finally frighten away the cat, they head back out for more Halloween adventure before heading home to receive a fright of their own!
Reading Activity:
- After reading Halloween Mice!, break out the flashlights and head into a dark room. Take turns holding the flashlight to see who can make the scariest "moonlight" shadow to scare away any roaming ghosts!
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