Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week 1: Growing and Changing, Letter Gg

Throughout the room, noticeable changes have been made to fully incorporate the theme.  Children were quick to notice the changes... "Look, there's new books!"  "Hey, what's that?"  "It's a cocoon!"  "Oooh, look!"  "Look at the new fish tank!"  "What's that thing?"  "That a big net!" 

New books about growing and changing had been placed on the children's bookshelves.  The titles focused on:
  • life cycles (ladybugs, butterflies, frogs, pill bugs, etc),
  • animals that hatch out of eggs, 
  • seeds and growing plants, flowers, vegetables, and
  • children growing and changing (how bodies grow, losing teeth, etc).
The science area had been expanded to enhance the specific activities surrounding our "Growing and Changing" theme.  A butterfly pavilion and praying mantis enclosure hung, suspended from the ceiling at the children's level.  The caterpillars were moving about in their container just below and in the second container lay a praying mantis egg case.  "Ladybug Land" and "Planet Frog" sat on the science table, awaiting the arrival of larva and tadpoles.   

New small group posters (a chrysalis and a pond) had been posted in their places.  New tags had been created for each group - butterflies and frogs.

During breakfast, we engaged the children in conversation about all the new, exciting things and spent a lot of time answering questions (and appreciating their excitement).  After breakfast, full attention was given to all the new books while children brushed their teeth.  This is always independent reading time and the children really enjoyed looking at all the new books - many took great pride in being able to read the butterfly life cycle books, as many had watched the transformation during their 3-year old classes last year.

The room was abuzz as children were eager (and ready) to explore with the new activities!

Coming Next: Activity 1 - Growing Grass and Green Beans


 If you're interested in finding out more information about any of the books reviewed or if you'd like to purchase the books, click the cover image for a link to I am an Amazon Affiliate, so any purchases you make after clicking these images will result in my receiving a small percentage of the sale price!