Designated by the UN General Assembly as Universal Children's Day, November 20 marks United Nations Children's Day. The day was first observed in 1953 as a time to honor children with special ceremonies and festivals and to make children's needs known to governments. It is observed on different days in more than 120 nations, however November 20 marks the day in 1959 when the General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
-The Teacher's Calendar, 2008-2009
-The Teacher's Calendar, 2008-2009
Yes Day!
May 2009.
HarperCollins Publishers.
Summary from Barnes & Noble:
Pizza for breakfast? YES! Not having to clean your room? YES! Staying up really late? YES! Every kid's dream? YES! Welcome to Yes Day!
This book is perfect for celebrating United Nation's Children's Day, as it focuses solely on pleasing the mind of a child - by giving them that one-word answer they're just waiting to hear all the time! However, the problem with this book is that children are really going to be expecting a "Yes Day!" coming from you... and that's where we must be careful, as not all the questions they prompt you with might make for a safe and doable "Yes!" answer... Better decide how your children will take the context of the book, or at least forewarn them that it doesn't necessarily mean they'll be having a "Yes Day!" of their own! In a classroom setting, I would use the book as a writing (perhaps a journal) prompt. After reading, ask the students to describe their ideal "Yes Day!" What would it look like? What would they do? Definitely would be a great introduction to such a writing topic!
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