In the Tall, Tall Grass also served as part of our take-home literacy activity packets for our weekly homework. I created a mini-book based on the activity. We read the story several times throughout the course of the week so that children are familiar with and can "read" it to their families while working on the homework activities.
First, we decorated the planting pots as "heads," as we were trying to grow "grass hair" on the heads. The children had fun doing this - some understood the concept more than others, but either way, the activity was enjoyed! We then took great delight in digging in the dirt and did the children did extremely well considering that four were asked to share each small bucket of dirt. We used small plastic spoons to "shovel" the dirt into our pots to help enhance the fine motor skills of those in need! The grass is really starting to fill in now... 3 weeks later. I had hoped to use wheat grass as it is the wider-blade grass that seems to grow and fill in quicker, however, I wasn't able to find any when I was at the store, so I ended up with a different, finer variety. For next year, I will definitely make sure to locate the wheat grass somewhere!
After reading, we again discussed what plants "need" in order to grow. Children came up with the obvious basics - water, sun, dirt. This made it really fun to watch their excitement over their beans sprouting in the paper towels and baggies! Each small group tackled a different way of planting - in the baggies with the moist paper towels or in the soil. We then switched, allowing the children the opportunity to experience both planting styles.
In any case, the children have really enjoyed planting and the experiments surrounding the planting. This is only the beginning of the excitement that the children are experiencing, so check back for more!
Fleming, Denise.
In the Tall, Tall Grass.
Henry Holt and Co.
Purchase In the Tall, Tall Grass.
Rockwell, Anne.
One Bean.
Walker Childrens.
Purchase One Bean.
Coming Up Next: In the Tall, Tall Grass Take-Home Literacy Activities

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