Hopefully soon, things will settle down a bit or maybe I'll just take the books and laptop out to the new Adirondack chairs...
Alison's Zinnia.
Greenwillow Books.
This is the alphabet book of flowers and girls names, A to Z... and it's really pretty cool!
I don't think boys would find it too interesting, but girls who are interested in flowers or gardening will get a kick out of it! I'm going to share just a brief sample of it with you!
Alison acquired an Amaryllis for Beryl.The story continues on in such fashion until we finally see the alphabet ending and starting again as
Beryl bought a Begonia for Crystal.
Crystal cut a Chrysanthemum for Dawn.
Dawn dug a Daffodil for Emily.
Emily earned an Easter lily for Florence.
Zena zeroed in on a Zinnia for Alison.
One Lighthouse, One Moon.
Greenwillow Books.
Divided into three sections, this book would be perfect for a preschool or kindergarten... possibly even a 1st grade classroom!
The first topic? Days of the week. Meshed in with days of the week are colors - perfect for reinforcing two concepts at the same time while allowing children to see the connections being made! This section of the book is also perfect for beginning readers because of it's predictability and repetition.
Black shoes on MONDAY.As you can see from the text alone, it is very predictable, and even if children aren't able to read color words, the illustrations show the colors on a pair of shoes! The only thing I didn't particularly care for in this first of the three parts, was that Lobel started out the week on Monday... I'm just used to considering Sunday the start of a new week...
Red shoes on TUESDAY.
Blue shoes on WEDNESDAY.
Yellow shoes on THURSDAY.
Green shoes on FRIDAY.
Pink shoes on SATURDAY.
White shoes on SUNDAY.
Topic two is the months of the year... and tied alongside that are the seasons (if you live in a place where you get to experience all four season)! Again, it's perfect for young children (preschool, Kindergarten, maybe 1st graders), although the reading level is a bit more advanced!
In JANUARY Nini caught snowflakes on her nose.Apparently, somewhere in there, Nini had some fun :) , as her "good things" that come turn out to be a new litter of kittens! However, this is perfect for teaching or even just reinforcing months of the year, seasons and, in some cases, the holidays that go along with those months and seasons! Again, the illustrations provide many context clues for perhaps, early readers who are getting used to different methods for recognizing words in a text!
In FEBRUARY Nini avoided kisses on Valentine's Day.
In MARCH Nini listened to winds howling.
In APRIL Nini watched crocuses poke through the ground.
In MAY Nini chased kites in the sky.
In JUNE Nini smelled roses growing on a bush.
In JULY Nini napped under a flag.
In AUGUST Nini dreamed of crayfish.
In SEPTEMBER Nini played in the autumn leaves.
In OCTOBER Nini posed on a pumpkin.
In NOVEMBER Nini smelled turkey.
In DECEMBER Nini waited for good things.
And they came.
The third and final topic in this book is counting... 1-10. Of course, the illustrations represent objects to show the one-to-one correspondences!
ONE lighthouse stood on a rock in the sea.This might be perfect to get children started with counting and then prompting them to continue counting on to one-hundred to practice for school! I do believe this book will be finding its way into my classroom library!
TWO boats sailed by.
THREE sailors waved to
FOUR girls dancing on the shore.
FIVE whales blew spouts of water in the air.
SIX pelicans dozed.
SEVEN seagulls bobbed on the waves.
EIGHT geese flew south to avoid early snow.
NINE fisherfolk walked home with their catch.
TEN trees bent in the wind.
And ONE HUNDRED stars and ONE moon lit up the sky.
If you're interested in finding out more information about any of the books reviewed or if you'd like to purchase the books, click the cover image for a link to Amazon.com.
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