A moving tribute to Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy...
Rose's Garden.
November 2009.
Candlewick Press.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
In this inspirational story, readers will quickly learn that keeping faith and continuing to believe does pay off!
Rose spent a great deal of time traveling the world in her fantastic teapot. At each stop she made, she gathered seeds to remember the location by. When the teapot was full and she could no longer collect any more seeds, Rose set about heading "home." Upon her arrival, at what will eventually become "home," Rose must first overcome great disappointment and difficulties when it comes to planting and harvesting a garden full of the seeds she collected during her adventures traveling the world in her teapot. However, she does not lose faith and remains determined, believing that sooner or later, the seeds in her garden will spout. And indeed, it does, in more than one way!
This is one of the best-written children's stories I have ever read! I love the fact that there is a connection to a personal story (Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy) that will inspire children to react in a positive way and strive to better a community by such simple measures - planting a garden in a drag, run-down area that could use a bit of color and hope!
Learning/Reading Activity:
- Create several bouquets of paper flowers, using the instructions found here. (I did these with my preschoolers - we used many different colors for a colorful bouquet!) Once you have created the bouquets, choose a neighborhood (or even just some of your own neighbors) and deliver the bouquets of flowers to brighten someone's day!
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Lovely review of ROSE'S GARDEN Kate! For more activity ideas and links to the online story version, check out http://www.fablevision.com/rosesgarden/
You'll see a link down page: Download Rose's Garden Activity Guide
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