The world is 100% full of colors. Everything, everywhere is a color of some sort or shade. In the newest non-fiction series, Colors Everywhere, authored by Kristin Sterling and published by Lerner Books, a few of these colors are shared with readers in some detail. Colors are explored as a part of nature, as human-made (shade mixing). They are also explored in the context of meaning - yellow can portray happiness, mellowness. Red can portray anger or represent the act of being annoyed.
Red Everywhere.
March 2010.
Lerner Books.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Black Everywhere.
March 2010.
Lerner Books.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Blue Everywhere.
March 2010.
Lerner Books.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Yellow Everywhere.
March 2010.
Lerner Books.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
The titles listed above are just four of the six titles in the series. Silver and Gold Everywhere and White Everywhere are also a part of the series. The books are actually quite engaging, asking readers questions to get them involved and sharing information of which children can easily relate to. I am definitely considering using these titles in my preschool classroom when introducing/reviewing colors.
Learning/Reading Activity:
- Use this series as a basis for color collages. Introduce/review the colors explored in the series first, and then branch out and create collages for other colors as well - pink, purple, green, brown, orange, etc. Using the appropriate colored construction paper, have children search for items that represent/show the given color. For example, on red construction paper, have them use newspapers/magazines to show all things red - a red car, an apple, a cherry, tomatoes, crayon, marker, pencil, pen, ladybug, a shirt, pants, shoes, etc. Repeat this activity for all of the colors you want children to learn! It's a fun craft project and will likely introduce children to vocabulary they aren't familiar with as they find new "red" things to add to their collage!
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