A gift basket for dinosaur lovers!
Vacation's Over! Return of the Dinosaurs.
August 2010.
Lerner Publishing.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
After a vacation cruising around to distant planets, the dinosaurs have returned from their extinction and now, there's lots of work to be done - shopping for school supplies, doing laundry, and even getting photos developed. With rhyming text and unique characters, children will appreciate learning just a wee bit about the extinction of dinosaurs and also appreciate what the end of a vacation often means!
In a gift basket for your dinosaur lovers, you could include:
- tickets to visit a local dinosaur museum (locate one near you here)
- a copy of Digging Up Dinosaurs
- a copy of Field Guide to Dinosaurs
- My First Dino Kit
- Dinosaurs Extinct? game
- K'Nex Dinosaur Model Building Kit
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