Help big sisters celebrate the dilemmas of little sisters!
Emma Dilemma: Big Sister Poems.
February 2011.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Big sister Jessica shares with readers, through poems, the dilemmas she faces on a daily basis in her life with little sister, Emma "Dilemma." The poems are sweet, honest and share the true feelings that sisters likely experience when trying to find their own identity with the tag-along little sister - relishing the feeling of being a role model and the guilt that can encompass one when a little sibling is hurt (even when it isn't really your fault).
The poems are simple to read and very easy to understand. Older sisters will relish having this book in their hands and being able to relate so closely to all of the emotions experienced by Jessica!
Learning/Reading Activity:
- In their summer journal, have your child(ren) write a poem about what being a sibling means to them. Be prepared! The poems might not be all that you were hoping to be, but remember to encourage your child's creativity and honesty in their writing!
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