So, today... I'm sharing with you my first "complete" bag - everything's there! I have four others in various stages - waiting on books, materials, etc to arrive. They'll be done soon enough and I'll be sure to share those as well!
Before I share the specifics of this kit, I thought I'd share that each of the kits I've created are intended to share with families for a week-long time frame and have learning activities that focus on different areas of the Head Start Early Learning Framework. Once the families return the kit, their child may then select another to take home. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE leave a message if you're interested in purchasing any of these kits and I'll make them available for purchase!!!
Contents (most available for download):
- Snap! A book about alligators and crocodiles, by Melvin and Gilda Berger
- Alligator Baby, by Robert Munsch
- Learning Activities Guide
- Venn Diagram (homemade with felt) and Venn Diagram sentence strips
- Alligator's Hungry (scissor cutting story)
- Alligator-themed scissors
- A is for Alligator tracing sheet/Phonological Awareness Activities
The Venn Diagram activity may be a bit too complex for some of the 4's I work with. However, I figure if I expose them to using this as a means for sorting throughout the school year, they may have enough of an understanding to be able to handle the activity! It is intended to be used with the sentence strips (which contain details pulled from the Snap!: A book about alligators and Crocodiles) as a comprehension activity. I'm hoping that parents will read the strips and ask the children "Is that something that you know about the alligator? The crocodile? Or both the alligator AND the crocodile?" The venn diagram was made by sewing pieces of blue, yellow and green felt together to form the shape. The sentence strips were laminated and have a piece of velcro on the back so they stick to the felt while completing the activity.
my providing them in the previous supply kits I've sent home. Parents are leery of allowing children access to these and for this reason (and difficulty with cutting activities at school) I thought a great way to allow this exposure at home would be to provide parents with a story of sorts to help them work with their child on cutting and scissor use. I found the alligator scissors online and created my own story about how to use the scissors. I also plan on using this same story at school while teaching children how to use scissors!
The last activity in the bag is a letter writing story, which will hopefully help children in forming both upper- and lower-case Aa. I created those stories myself as well, centered on the alligator theme. The sheet is laminated and I will provide a dry erase marker and eraser for use with the worksheet. On the back side of the same sheet, is a phonological awareness activity that has children circling pictures of items that begin with the /a/ sound and then a column for parents to try and see if their child can come up with a list of words that start with letter Aa.
If you have any questions feel free to ask! More kits to come soon!
If you're interested in finding out more information about any of the books reviewed or if you'd like to purchase the books, click the cover image for a link to I am an Amazon Affiliate, so any purchases you make after clicking these images will result in my receiving a small percentage of the sale price!
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