Teach children that rather than greed, appreciate what they have!
The Greedy Sparrow: An Armenian Tale.
April 2011.
Marshall Cavendish.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
The Greedy Sparrow teaches (older) children an importance lesson about how greed may come back to haunt you. A sparrow starts out asking for a simple favor. However, his simple favor quickly turns into asking for more and more to see just what he can gain. Just when the sparrow thinks he's hit it big, he gets his "pay back," winding up with nothing more than he started with.
The story is more appropriate for older children, as the concept may be harder for young children to understand - perhaps because of the unfamiliar "gifts" in which the sparrow is greedy about. However, if you're creative, you could adapt the story for younger children by changing out the "things" that the sparrow is requesting. As I said... you would have to be creative in doing this appropriately and I'm not sure I have it in me, quite frankly, so I think I'll leave this one to the older children!

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Katie, thank you for reviewing a book that can teach kids about manipulation. I've read this book and thought about the message. The story is about people who are kind and generous even when confronted by a bully. In the end, the bully is hoisted on his own petard and that made this story a "karma" tale for me. The author's website does a good job in her discussion guide to help kids learn how we should not reward bad behavior and seek alternatives to "killing them with kindness." There are tips for younger readers ,too.
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