Life Cycles: Apple Trees.
Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.
Again, Nelson gears this non-fiction life-cycle book towards beginner readers, most likely Kindergarten through 2nd graders.
The life cycle of the apple tree is very basically described - a seed grows roots, the shoot grows out of the ground and eventually becomes a sapling. Once the tree is full grown, buds appear. The buds open and the tree is full of flowers, a bee visits the flower for pollination (although the pollination aspect isn't mentioned). The flowers fall off and apples begin to grow. It is then shown that the seeds inside the apples can grow into apple trees if planted.
The simplicity of the text is very appealing in using this book as a teaching tool about plant/animal life cycles!
Lesson Plans/Book Activities:
Other Books about the Life Cycle of an Apple Tree:
- From Seed to Apple Tree, Suzanne Slade
- The Apple Pie Tree, Zoe Hall
- The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree, Gail Gibbons
- How Do Apples Grow?, Betsy Maestro
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