Help children understand the importance of following the rules with the Sneaky Sheep!
Sneaky Sheep.
August 2010.
Lerner Publishing Group.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Blossom and Rocky are not only sneaky sheep! They also seem to have trouble following the rules and are continually trying to do what they've been asked not to do. The two have always taken notice of the other, greener meadow up higher on the mountain. They're determined to explore it despite the warnings and rules of Murphy, the Sheep Dog that's been "hired" to keep the sheep safe. When they finally make it up to those "greener grasses," they find themselves in a pickle, ultimately learning the hard way that there really was a reason that Murphy forbid them from going there in the first place!
Sneaky Sheep will hopefully help children understand that there really IS a reason that rules exist and that it's important to follow them for their own safety! I've definitely got to give this one a read in my Head Start class - I constantly have children testing me, believing the rules are only in place because "you don't want me to have any fun!" Perhaps they'll learn a lesson of their own from Rocky and Blossom!
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