Looking for a Christmas book for a young child? Middle reader? Older readers who may question their belief? There's choices for all here!
Merry Christmas, Ollie!
September 2011.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Ollie is very excited about Christmas and the impending visit from Father Christmas Goose... excited and impatient, just as young children are, awaiting their visit from Santa Claus. The excitement and enthusiasm displayed by young children is mimicked in Merry Christmas, Ollie!, making it an appropriate read while counting down the days until Christmas! The story is short and sweet, so even the youngest of children can appreciate the tale!
Reading Activity:
- Create a countdown calendar with your child to help them visualize and comprehend how many days are left until Santa visits.
Auntie Claus and the Key to Christmas.
September 2011.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Auntie Claus is back! In this sequel to the original Auntie Claus, a growing older young boy is beginning to have doubts about the existence of Santa Claus. Even though it is revealed to him by his older sister that their great-aunt is Auntie Claus is Santa's sister, Chris puts himself up to a little mischief to get on the bad boys and girls list to test the revelation. However, his aunt is out to prove to Chris about Santa and hands him the magical key, which ultimately helps Chris to really believe, by allowing him to see for himself all there is to the "family business."
This book is perfect for children who are just beginning to "question." It might allow you the chance to relish a couple more years out of their beliefs!
The Santa Club.
July 2011.
Palmary Press.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
There comes a time when children begin to ask two questions that can potentially make or break Christmas for them and their loved ones - Is there a Santa? or Is Santa real? When your child poses this question to you, especially if there are other children in the household who are still firm believers, this can be a difficult topic to handle delicately. The Santa Club is a perfect gift and discussion starter to help children understand what Christmas is really all about and to help them embrace it. The book is wonderful and a perfect way to help your child continue to enjoy the Christmas season!
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