Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bats at the Ballgame

I sure hope there's some 'Bats at the Ballgame,' otherwise, there won't be much scoring of runs!

Lies, Brian.
Bats at the Ballgame.
September 2010.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.

Brian Lies returns once again wtih a sure-to be hit, Bats at the Ballgame as the beloved bats characters take on the ball park. Baseball fans are sure to love this title, which incorporates all your ballpark classics, with a batty-twist! From garlic flies, gnatworst, and mothdogs to the batty version of the seventh inning stretch,
Ooh... Hang me up in the rafters!
Hang me up by the toes!
Buy me some beenuts and Cricket Jacks.
Won't you have...
readers are sure to take delight! This book is a must have for returning "Bat" fans and for baseball lovers!

Learning/Reading Activity:

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