This isn't what you'd typically expect to read as a Valentine's Day story... however, it's definitely worth reading!
The Legend of the Valentine.
Review copy borrowed from local library.
It's early in February and Marcus is just about half way through his first year as one of only a handful of African American children attending the local public school. While he seems to enjoy his new classroom, he's also dealing with much hatred from one classmate in particular. Added to his trouble fitting in as an African American is the fact that Marcus's father has recently been jailed for fighting for voting rights. After coming home from school one day when he's had enough, Grandma has an important message for Marcus, one that dates back years to when Valentine's Day was first recognized. The message is enough to convince Marcus to embrace his enemy, helping to make a change in his own classroom!
Combining historical aspects of Valentine's Day with an important lesson about the Civil Rights Movement (during Black History Month, no less), Katherine Grace Bond's story, The Legend of the Valentine, teaches children a lesson they'll likely take with them for years to come - Love your enemies. The story is detailed enough to make sure children have an understanding of both sides (Valentine's Day and the Civil Rights Movement), yet simple enough to keep the attention of children!
Learning/Reading Activity:
- Chances are your child(ren) have someone in his/her class that he/she doesn't really get along with. This year, encourage your child(ren) to reach out to the "enemy" with a special valentine. Help your child(ren) create a special message that is appropriate to pass along and create the special valentine together!
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