This week's theme is mittens! So... I have to admit, this isn't technically a non-fiction title, but it fits the "idea," so I'm using the term loosely!
One Little Lamb.
May 2004.
Penguin Group (USA).
Review copy borrowed from local library.
This very simplistic text walks reader somewhat step-by-step through the process of making mittens. After all, all it really takes is One Little Lamb! A little girl visits the farm where a little lamb, covered in woolly fur lives. The wool is then cut from the lamb, cleaned and combed, spun into yarn, dipped into dye, rolled into balls of yarn, cast onto knitting needles, looped together in rows... until there are two little mittens, waiting to be worn back to the farm... to visit the lamb!
This book is absolutely perfect to use as an introduction to a mitten theme, as it introduces reader to how mittens are made! While it is ideal for beginning readers (large, simple text), it can easily be used with children of all ages!
Learning/Reading Activity:
- After reading/listening to One Little Lamb, children can complete the sequencing activity to show how mittens are made. The worksheet can be downloaded here.
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