I had originally thought that the pizza aspect of this theme would be the most fun... however, after reading these two stories and planning such fun activities... I'm thinking I might have been wrong! Hopefully you'll enjoy these pasta activities as much as I enjoyed reading and planning them!
Noodle Man: The Pasta Superhero.
Orchard Books.
Guided Reading Level: L
Review copy borrowed from local library.
The Dente family could easily be considered the know-it-all family when it comes to pasta... except they have just one problem - they can't seem to outsell their pasta now that pizza take-out has overtaken the town. Son, Al Dente (funny for parents to pick up on) comes up with a plan to try and sell more pasta - portable pasta makers that can provide fresh pasta to order. However, selling the pasta this way door-to-door seems less than successful... but, the pasta does come in handy in other ways! Children will love the crazy ways in which pasta is put to use in this clever tale! In fact, this book is so fun, I'm thinking I may have to incorporate this in to my class' "P Week" activities!
Learning/Reading Activity:
- Head out to Walmart or your cheapest local grocery store and pick up a variety supply of pastas. After reading Noodle Man: The Pasta Superhero, have your child use the pasta varieties to create a superhero of their own. Create the superhero using pasta and create some sort of super power using the pasta. For example, in the story, fusilli pasta was used as stilts to cross a flooded street... lasagna noodles were used as slides to rescue two children from a burning apartment.
On Top of Spaghetti.
Scholastic Press.
Review copy borrowed from local library.
The long-time favorite children's song On Top of Spaghetti is combined with a unique story that is sure to have kids laughing and eager to sing along. The lyrics to the song are weaved into the text of the story, giving it both meaning and humor! This book is a perfect way to introduce children to the song before attempting to sing it!
Learning/Reading Activities:
- Read the story and then sing On Top of Spaghetti. You can sing along with the song after downloading here.
If you're interested in finding out more information about any of the books reviewed or if you'd like to purchase the books, click the cover image for a link to Amazon.com. I am an Amazon Affiliate, so any purchases you make after clicking these images will result in my receiving a small percentage of the sale price!
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