Thursday, January 22, 2009

Canadian Geese

We all know them... we all recognize them. And, most recently in the past week and a half they've made the news more often than they probably cared to, as it has been made public notice through the media that a flock of geese is likely to blame for the engine failures of US Airways Flight 1549 that resulted in the plane making an emergency landing in the Hudson River. Miraculously, all passengers survived! Check out the story here! So, today I've got an ARC review relating to Canadian Geese.

Sayre, April Pulley.
Honk, Honk, Goose!: Canada Geese Start a Family.
To Be Released: April 14, 2009.
Henry Holt and Company: New York

Ages: 4-8
Genre: Non-Fiction


This book would be a perfect fit in the library of a child who loves wildlife! It would also complement nicely a thematic unit on life cycles in a classroom, perhaps at the 3rd grade level. Much of the text in the book could also be included as part of an ELA lesson about onomatopoeia (the formation of a word, as honk! or hissssss!, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent). Additionally, the last two pages of the text provide detailed information about Canada Geese that would act as a resource in any science themed unit relating to the Canada Geese.

Honk! Honk! Goose! takes readers through the life cycle of Canada Geese beginning in the mid-March mating season and progressing beyond the twenty-eight day incubation period. The book vividly explains how the nest is built by the female goose, where she will keep the eggs warm until they're ready to hatch and how her mate will protect her and the unborn chicks from their predators from the time of conception through their first swim. The illustrations are simple but captivating - colorful, sure to grasp the attention of children!

More Non-Fiction about Canadian Geese:
Fiction Books about Canadian Geese:

Canadian Geese Lesson Plans:


style='clear: both;' Janet Halfmann: said...

Thanks so much for mentioning my book, Canada Goose at Cattail Lane. We have lots of Canada Geese at lagoons and ponds near us. But the biggest thrill is visiting Horicon Marsh here in Wisconsin where they congregate by the thousands!
Janet Halfmann