Thursday, January 8, 2009

Marjorie Priceman

Marjorie Priceman is the illustrator of three Caldecott Honor books. She debuted her work as author and artist in 1989. Since her debut work, Priceman has written and illustrated more than a 9 children's pictures books. She has also illustrated a number of other works, including Katie Couric's The Brand New Kid and The Blue Ribbon Day. Her most recent published work is How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the World.

Today, January 8, is Marjorie Priceman's birthday. She turns 53. To honor her birthday, I have three reviews for you today, one of which were written and illustrated by Priceman and two which she illustrated. Enjoy!

MacDonald, Amy. Rachel Fister’s Blister. 1990. Houghton

Mifflin Company: Boston.

Ages: 5-8

Genre: Fiction
Guided Reading Level: J


This could be perhaps one of the funniest books I have ever read! The author’s use of rhymes throughout add to the humorous text, as it’s sometimes difficult to find a word other than liquor that would rhyme with “Vicar Wicker.” Children will love this story and in reading, you might just find yourself almost singing the story!

Little Rachel Fister has discovered the unbelievable – a blister – on her “little left-hand toe.” In telling her mother (a simple action on behalf of little Rachel), Mrs. Fister’s reaction results in a tail-spinning fury, as she calls in her backups (Mister Fister, the farmer, the doctor, the nurse, Rachel’s brothers, her little sister, the rabbi, the maid, pastor, postman, fireman, police, the vicar, and the queen) at her own inability to figure out what Rachel really needs – her mother’s sympathy!

Lesson Plans/Book Activities:

Moss, Lloyd. Zin! Zin! Zin!: A Violin. 1995. Simon &

Schuster Books for Young Readers: New York, NY.

Ages: 4-8

Genre: Children’s Educational (Counting, Music)

Guided Reading Level:


This rhyming book will certainly captivate those young readers who are beginning to notice rhymes. It would also fit well for students who are interested in music or would find a welcoming home on any music teacher’s desk, as there’s much to be learned about music in this picture book – musical instruments and groups. The text also doubles as a counting book, introducing students to number 1-10 and their musical variety.

As the story begins, a solo (one) trombonist enters the stage, setting the path for the other nine instruments and musicians that make their way on stage for the concert as the completion of the chamber group (ten musicians) eventually appear. The rhyming text will catch the attention of young readers while providing them with a beginner’s musical background!

Lesson Plans/Book Activities:

Priceman, Marjorie. How to Make an Apple Pie and See the

World. 1994. Alfred A. Knopf: New York, NY.

Ages: 6-8

Genre: Fiction – Adventure, Comedy, Humor

Guided Reading Level: M


In this humorous book, children will not only learn how to make an apple pie (courtesy of the recipe on the final page), they will also learn what really is involved in getting all those ingredients that are used to make the pie! The book is a cultural adventure that will leave children longing to read the story again and again. It provides a wonderful opportunity for sequencing and a quest around the world! The ending to the story poses an interesting idea to have students write their own similar story, How to Make Vanilla Ice Cream and See the…

A young girl sets out to make an apple pie, knowing just how easy they are to make. However, she runs into an unexpected glitch – the market is closed! With the market closed, the little girl sets off on a journey around the world to collect the finest of ingredients that are needed to make her apple pie… semolina wheat, an egg from a chicken, cinnamon from a kurundu tree, a milk from a cow to churn butter, saltwater from the sea, sugar cane from the sugar plantation, and apples from a Vermont orchard.

Lesson Plans/Book Activities:


style='clear: both;' Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, I share a birthday with her! How nice. Thought it was just me and Elvis :)