Thursday, February 25, 2010

Imaginations at Work: Mittens

It's often interesting to give a child a simple, everyday object and see what they can "do" with it! Of course, it doesn't hurt that it inspires children to be creative... so if there's a book out there to help with this concept, I'll check it out! Hopefully you will, too!

George, Kristine O'Connell.
One Mitten.
October 2004.
Clarion Books.
Review copy borrowed from local library.

When a little girl has lost one of her two yellow mittens, she's left to be creative with the one remaining mitten, as it won't do much to keep her warm outside! Using her imagination, the little girl turn her mitten into a whale, a snail. The yellow mitten can be hat or even a mitten bag for a sleeping bunny. One yellow mitten could be a flag! Or a warm bed for a kitten... wait that's the second mitten! Having so much fun using her imagination to see how the one mitten can be used, the little girl continues to use her imagination even though she now has both mittens and could go outside and play with nice warm hands!

Learning/Reading Activity:
  • Find a stray mitten hanging out around your house. Pass it along to your child(ren) and ask them to be creative - what can you do with this one mitten? Teach your child(ren) about making shadow objects by turning out the lights and using a flashlight to create the shadow on a wall. Have your child(ren) create a list of all of the things he/she can do with the mitten. Then, give your child(ren) a second mitten and see what he/she can come up with!

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style='clear: both;' Kristine said...

Hi Katie,

Wow! Thank you for the wonderful write-up on my book, ONE MITTEN.

You might be interested to know that there is a free teacher's guide here: I am constantly amazed at the creative ideas students come up with for what to do with just one mitten.

BTW: Your blog design is absolutely gorgeous -- love the ribbons!

Kristine George