Rules for School - from a kid's standpoint, so you know there's something to them!
Rules for School.
June 2010.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Alec Greven returns in Rules for School to share with readers 15 rules he's deemed as necessary to have a successful school year! The rules are shared from the wisdom a child has picked up in his years of school, making this a great read for children, as of course they relate better to children than adults!
Alec Greven's Rules for School
- You have to let go of summer.
- Gear up and get that backpack ready!
- You're going to be nervous - get over it.
- Get Mom on your side.
- Stay on track!
- Think before you sit.
- Be brave - ask questions!
- Avoid the supernova.
- Just face it. Homework is something you have to do.
- Let loose at lunch.
- Run the ants out of your pants.
- Just be yourself.
- Appreciate your teacher.
- Make the most of it.
- Have fun!
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