More adventures with the five little monkeys!
Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car.
May 2010.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
When Mother Monkey decides it's time to see the "rickety, rattletrap wreck of a car", the five little monkeys offer up their support in helping make the sale! They start off by breaking out the hose and washing. However, the car is still deemed not ready for sale, so they take to giving the car a new paint job! As is par for the course with the five little monkeys, one thing leads to another, leads to near-disaster! However, it all works out in the end, as not only do the monkeys sell the car, they also find their new car!
As I've mentioned before when reviewing the Five Little Monkey titles, the books are absolutely wonderful! The rhyming text is lyrical and funny, providing much room for laughter and enjoyment with little ones. The format allows room for many different uses - including teaching rhyming words and comprehension activities (specifically story sequencing)! Definitely a great one to check out!
Learning/Reading Activities:
- Organize a car wash with your child(ren) to raise money for a good cause. This will help children see the importance of giving back to the community and working as a team to accomplish a goal.
- Create a "coloring contest" for your child(ren), complete with judges. Ask your child to "paint" or "color" the old car to make it look fresh and appealing. The car coloring sheet can be downloaded here. You could actually frame the car pictures and "sell" them by holding an auction to raise money for a good cause!
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We love washing JDaniel's Cozy Coupe at our house.
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