For Faithful Friends.
October 2009.
Lulu Publishing.
Review copy provided courtesy of author.
Little Turtle is just plain fearful - he doesn't have faith in himself, and because of his inability to trust, he has no friends. Mouse doesn't let that stop him for attempting to befriend Turtle and instill trust and faith in him! He continually offers words of support and encouragement to Turtle. However, after Mouse leaves one day, Turtle recognizes the danger that lurks above Mouse as he heads across the field - the crow that will surely attack and eat him. Although he's never admitted it, Turtle considers Mouse his only friend and knows something must be done. He gathers the courage and makes his way out of the blackberry bramble that has been his home for so long, taking a chance in order to save his friend. Thanks to the words and actions Mouse had previously used with Turtle, he was able to be successful in his adventure to save Mouse. In doing so, he has not only gained a true friend, but also gained the faith and trust he previously lacked.
This is a truly wonderful story to share with children. There's much to be learned, including the fact that trust is something that must be earned! Along with that lesson, children will also begin to accept that not everyone is daring - some people live a more reserved life, holding back and being cautious. I definitely think this is worth sharing, as it will allow children to see that it's okay to be who they are, as when they are truly good and ready, then they can tackle the world!
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