George is so excited to go to the holiday parade...
Curious George at the Parade.
April 2010.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
The man with the yellow hat has decided to take George to the holiday parade. When they arrive, they're still a bit too early, so the man with the yellow hat decides to go into a department store. Curious George just can't handle a day without being curious, so he stand guard near one of the windows, watching what's going on outside. When he sees an elephant eating a treat, it makes him hungry and prompts him to go in search of a treat for himself. However, finding the perfect treat doesn't happen without chaos erupting, in true Curious George fashion! He upsets the entire parade, before somehow finding a way to once again saving the event he nearly destroyed.
As is typical with any Curious George, George proves to be a bit too curious and cause a bit of an uproar before pulling himself together to make himself become hero of the event. This is a great book to read to children before taking them to a big parade where there will be lots of balloons and floats! It would also be great to read before any holiday that typical is celebrated with a parade. As always with Curious George, this will make for a pleasurable read!
Learning/Reading Activity:
- Use the story to teach some basic subtraction skills to young children. Curious George climbed the tree on the float in search of a snack of nuts. Download the activity here that includes some simple subtraction activities and manipulatives.
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