Teach children about animal skin coverings using this delightful tale!
Fur and Feathers.
August 2010.
Sylvan Dell Publishing.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
A big wind storm blows the fur, feathers, scales, and shells (among some skin coverings) off all the different zoo animals in Sophie's dream after a wind storm one night. Determined to help them stay warm, Sophie offers them the clothing out of her closet... however, it's less than conducive for their needs! Looking around the house, Sophie discovers Grandma's sewing basket, full of materials that will help her give the animals a new coat. By having the animals line up, Sophie (and readers) learn all about the kinds of skin coverings the different animals require to survive in their environments and she sets about, sewing the new coats, adding a personal touch to each!
This is an incredible story! I LOVE it and know that it's found a home in my "Animals, Animals, Everywhere" theme! There's much to be learned and the creative Sophie displays towards creating the animals new coats is incredible! I think children will love the adventure found within the pages of this story and I'm very much looking forward to sharing it with my preschoolers!
Learning/Reading Activity:
- Sylvan Dell Publishing has provided a complimentary copy of the teaching activities packet to use in collaboration with Fur and Feathers, that can be downloaded here. There are many great activities among the 57 pages! My favorite activity is found on pages 34-40, in which children are asked to create a new coat for the animals, based on their characteristics and needs, after doing a bit of research about the animal. Of course, there are like 26 different animals, one for each letter of the alphabet - so you could just have your child(ren) select one animal to simplify things! Encourage your child(ren) to be creative by allowing them free reign of the craft supplies!
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Such a fun review, Katie. I loved figuring out what materials from the sewing box would work for each coat, and I especially loved coming up with the special touches! Thanks for sharing my book with your readers.
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