Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fancy Nancy Week: Day 3

Fancy Nancy has ideas galore! (That's fancy for a lot)!

O'Connor, Jane.
Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles.
June 2010.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.

Fancy Nancy quickly finds herself overcome with jealousy when her best friend Bree suddenly is wearing "spectacular spectacles." Nancy is so jealous that she decides she too, is having trouble seeing and has convinced herself that she needs glasses. When her mother catches her reading in the dark to try and harm her vision, a plan must be quickly put into action. Nancy and her mother turn her old sunglasses (which were missing a lens), into a pair "spectacular spectacles" of her own, using a variety of everyday craft supplies. Now, Nancy has spectacular spectacles just like Bree!

This book is perfect for children who have just gotten or need to start wearing a pair of glasses, as it makes the idea of wearing glasses exciting at the very least! It's also a wonderful book for children who are experiencing jealousy at a friend or sibling having received a new pair of glasses - as it provides a very simple solution to what could potentially be a trying issue!

O'Connor, Jane.
Fancy Nancy: The Show Must Go On.
June 2009.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.

Fancy Nancy is yet again facing a challenge! Her class at school is putting on a talent show. When Nancy is paired with Lionel, a boy she barely knows, she quickly begins to panic, worrying about what they can do as an act. When Nancy's mom suggests she "get to know" Lionel, Nancy gets a surprise of her own, to learn that the act she had been dreaming about can still be performed, as she was hoping to do a circus act and Lionel, ironic enough, loves lions! Together, the two spend time practicing and the applause (clapping) they receive at the conclusion of their act shows that their effort at working together has paid off!

Gather some family friends and pair up the children. Plan a talent show and have the children work together to perfect an act that can be performed in front of all the adults. Give out prizes for the talents, making sure there's a prize for each pair of children (best dressed, best acting, best speaking, etc).

If you're interested in finding out more information about any of the books reviewed or if you'd like to purchase the books, click the cover image for a link to I am an Amazon Affiliate, so any purchases you make after clicking these images will result in my receiving a small percentage of the sale price!