Help beginning readers understand the use of context clues and rhyming words to simplify the reading process!
Piggy Pie Po.
September 2010.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Piggy Pie Po, a new title by authors Audrey & Don Wood (known for The Napping House) is an ideal book for beginning readers. The three short stories found within the pages are extremely funny and sure to have young children laughing and begging for the stories to be reread! The delightful text is extremely simple and rhythmic. These, coupled with the easily interpreted context clues found within the illustrations will ensure children find the confidence to pick up this book and give it a read on their own!
Learning/Reading Activities:
- Reinforce the idea of rhyming words with your students/children by playing rhyming lotto, using the words from the first story in Piggy Pie Po. The game can be downloaded and printed for use here.
- Check your students'/childrens' understanding of rhyming words by using the Piggie Pie Po rhyming activity worksheet which can be downloaded here. This asks children to find the word that does not rhyme and circle it.
- After reading the third story in the book, discuss what an incredibly funny pig Piggy Pie Po is! Talk about all that he is, all that he can do and all that he has done. Afterwards, as a group, create a shared writing list in which children add words to a list that rhyme with "pig." Use a big piece of chart paper and write "pig" at the top. Then, have children share the pen/pencil/marker to add a word that rhymes with pig. This would be a great time to reinforce the idea that rhyming words typically end with the same letters!

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Looks wonderful!
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