Best friends support you through thick and thin!
Tugg and Teeny.
March 2011.
Sleeping Bear Press.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.
Meet Tugg (a gorilla) and Teeny (a monkey). Together, the best friend pair lives in the jungle, full of wonderful activities in which they can partake. Teeny wishes to be quite accomplished, and striving to achieve all that she sets her mind to. However, the other "neighbors" in the jungle discourage Teeny though their harsh words. Tugg, on the other hand, does nothing but support Teeny in all her adventures, encouraging her to keep try until she succeeds, despite not always being the best at everything she tries!
Tugg and Teeny does wonders to show children what true friendship is all about! The book is targeted for children in grades 2-3, however, younger children will likely appreciate the story and understand the meaning behind it with an adult-facilitated discussion. It's definitely worth the read and would make a great add to your child's summer reading list!
Reading/Learning Activities:
- Have your child start a summer reading journal. After reading different books through the summer, pose a question of some sort to your child and have them write a response in the journal. After reading the story, go back and share the last paragraph on the last page. Monkey is going to be writing a new poem titled, "What It Means To Have a Best Friend." In your child's summer reading journal, pose these exact words as a topic for their first entry. Ask your child to write about what it means to them to "have a best friend." This would likely open up the doors to a discussion about what friendship means and how to be a good friend, and let's face it - in today's day and age, all children could benefit from such a conversation!

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